If you’re looking for a refreshing and energizing drink this summer, look no further than Yellowstone Loaded Tea. This delicious concoction is packed with natural ingredients and provides a boost of energy without a crash.
Begin by preparing the perfect cup of Herbalife Tropical Lift-Off and Guarana Tea Mix in hot water.
Get your blender ready and combine the freshly brewed mixture with Herbalife SKIN Collagen Beauty Booster and Peach Mango Beverage Mix. Watch as the flavors come together to create a tantalizing fusion.
Blend all ingredients until they reach a smooth consistency, perfect for the loaded tea.
Grab a cup filled with ice and pour the blended mixture over it. Feel free to add more or less ice based on your preference.
To enhance the sweetness, add some stevia to taste. This natural sweetener will give you all the flavor without any extra calories or sugar. Give it a stir and enjoy your very own Yellowstone Loaded Tea!
For an extra dose of hydration, try using coconut water instead of regular water in the recipe.
If you don’t have Herbalife products on hand, you can substitute with similar products from other brands.
To make a stronger version of this loaded tea, add an extra packet of Herbalife Tropical Lift-Off or Guarana Tea Mix.