Prepare the Rainbow Fruit Roll-Ups: Lay out the rainbow fruit roll-ups on a clean surface. These can be store-bought or homemade.
Place Scoops of Vanilla Ice Cream: Take one scoop of vanilla ice cream and place it in the center of each rainbow fruit roll-up.
Roll Up the Ice Cream: Carefully fold the sides of the fruit roll-up over the ice cream, and then roll it tightly from the bottom to create a compact ice cream roll.
Repeat for the Second Roll: Repeat the process for the second rainbow fruit roll-up and a scoop of vanilla ice cream.
Optional: Secure with Toothpick: If necessary, you can secure the ends of the fruit roll-ups with a toothpick to hold the ice cream in place.
Freeze Briefly (Optional): For a firmer texture, you can place the rolled ice cream in the freezer for a short time, ensuring it doesn’t freeze too hard.
Serve: Serve the Rainbow Fruit Roll-Up Ice Cream rolls immediately.
Enjoy: Indulge in this colorful and whimsical treat that combines the chewiness of rainbow fruit roll-ups with the creaminess of vanilla ice cream.